Artisan BreadKone Concept
ABC is a -B2B- Transparent Kitchen Project proposal that enables to any kind of Restaurant to grow its business
Participation in the ABC Virtual Brand Umbrella without affecting the existing operation!
Access to largest amount of Customers with no marketing cost!
Run a Restaurant in your Restaurant with no need for new investment in equipment and staff!
Easy and Efficiency Operation!
Online Orders Only!
Fresh - Healthy - Delicious - Innovation with no Competition!

How to participate

Participation Agreement
You are Online!
With the participation Agreement you get from us the Operational Tablet, packaging materials and we upload your location to the delivery platforms (UberEats, DoorDash, GrubHub) under the Brand of the ABC. This does not affect your existing brand, either in physical location either on the platforms
We educate your staff on our recipes and fillings ways of the BreadKones. Our menu has been developed to be efficient, easy to learn and with the minimum need in space. The menu is so easy to operate that needs only 1 - 2 visits from us to learn it
Then follows the delivery of the raw materials (in case that you don't already have them!) and yours ABC Transparent Kitchen is ready and Online! Welcome to the Artisan BreadKone Concept World!


We provide unique privileges to each partner restaurant!
our menu
Eat Healthy - Be Healthy
ABC - Introduction

Recipes Presentation